Date Submitted | Name | Event | Infraction |
3/7/25 | Robbie Berner | NAO | Late Withdrawal |
3/7/25 | Reed Endreson | NAO | Late Withdrawal |
3/7/25 | Senen Ubina | MFS Boston ProAm | Late Withdrawal |
12/16/24 | Jim Bamber | Briggs Cup | Improper communication with TD |
12/16/24 | Carter Robitaille | Briggs Cup | Improper communication with TD |
12/16/24 | Nathan Snyder | Briggs Cup | Failure to Ref |
12/16/24 | Santiago Orozco | Briggs Cup | Failure to Ref |
12/16/24 | Kyle Martino | Briggs Cup | Dress Code Violation |
12/16/24 | Narelle Krizek | Briggs Cup | Late Withdrawal |
11/24/24 | Sam Khalifa | Sleepy Hollow | Improper communication with TD |
10/28/24 | James Stout | WHMBAO | Late Withdrawal |
9/26/24 | Stu Hadden | RC Pro Series | Late Withdrawal |
5/22/24 | Mohsin Khan | Tavern Club | Failure to meet ProAm responsibilities |
2/21/24 | Santiago Oroczo | Creek Cup | Late Withdrawal |
2/13/24 | Henry Parkhurst | Hashim Khan | Late Withdrawal |
2/13/24 | Lindsay Stanley | Hashim Khan | Late Withdrawal |
2/22/24 | Nku Patrick | Johnson | On Court Dress Code |
2/22/24 | Mohsin Khan | Johnson | On Court Dress Code |
2/22/24 | Robbie Berner | Johnson | Late Withdrawal |
2/5/24 | Lindsay Stanley | NAO | Missed Refereeing Responsibilites |
2/5/24 | Gabbi Garr | NAO | Missed Refereeing Responsibilites |
1/7/2023 | Sanjay Jeeva | OXNC Open | Lack of effort in pro-am |
12/3/2023 | Mohsin Khan | Squash House Challenger | Missed Refereeing Responsibilites |
11/30/2023 | Kyle Martino | Big Apple Open | Failure to meet ProAm responsibilities |
4/15/2022 | Jordan Brail | LA Mixed | Pro-Am/Communication |
5/1/2022 | Chris Walker | Kellner Cup | Inapropiate behavior on court |
2/14/2020 | Andres Vargas | David C. Johnson Jr. | Inappropriate communication with tournament promoter |
2/11/2020 | Willie Gaynor | Hashim Khan | Late Withdrawal |
1/27/2020 | Simba Muhwati | David C. Johnson Jr. | Late Withdrawal |
1/21/2020 | Matt Domenick | NAO | Late Withdrawal |
1/15/2020 | Deerav Moolani | Pittsburgh | Late Withdrawal (Medical Note Pending) |
1/11/2020 | Thomas Brinkman | MFS Boston Pro-Am | Slept through pro-am match |
1/11/2020 | Tom De Mulder | Pittsburgh/NAO | Late Withdrawal |
12/12/2019 | Zac Alexander | Briggs Cup | Best efforts during Pro-Am |
12/8/2019 | Elroy Leong | Briggs Cup | Pro-Am Absence |
12/3/2019 | Reed Endresen | Briggs Cup | Late Withdrawal |
11/18/2019 | Robby Berner | Briggs Cup | Late Withdrawal |
11/18/2019 | Jesse Lane | Sleepy Hollow | Late Withdrawal |
11/18/2019 | Clark Doyle | Sleepy Hollow | Late Withdrawal |
11/18/2019 | Gabriel Bassil | Sleepy Hollow | Late Withdrawal |
10/21/2019 | Bernardo Samper | Big Apple Open | Late Withdrawal (Medical Note Pending) |
10/16/2019 | Eric Bedell | Big Apple Open | Late Withdrawal |
9/19/2019 | Taylor Tutrone | Maryland Club Open | Late Withdrawal |