SDA Pro Tour Discipline

Date SubmittedNameEvent Infraction
3/7/25Robbie BernerNAOLate Withdrawal
3/7/25Reed EndresonNAOLate Withdrawal
3/7/25Senen UbinaMFS Boston ProAmLate Withdrawal
12/16/24Jim BamberBriggs CupImproper communication with TD
12/16/24Carter RobitailleBriggs Cup Improper communication with TD
12/16/24Nathan SnyderBriggs CupFailure to Ref
12/16/24Santiago OrozcoBriggs CupFailure to Ref
12/16/24Kyle MartinoBriggs CupDress Code Violation
12/16/24Narelle KrizekBriggs CupLate Withdrawal
11/24/24Sam KhalifaSleepy HollowImproper communication with TD
10/28/24James StoutWHMBAOLate Withdrawal
9/26/24Stu HaddenRC Pro SeriesLate Withdrawal
5/22/24Mohsin KhanTavern ClubFailure to meet ProAm responsibilities
2/21/24Santiago OroczoCreek CupLate Withdrawal
2/13/24Henry ParkhurstHashim KhanLate Withdrawal
2/13/24Lindsay StanleyHashim KhanLate Withdrawal
2/22/24Nku PatrickJohnsonOn Court Dress Code
2/22/24Mohsin KhanJohnsonOn Court Dress Code
2/22/24Robbie BernerJohnsonLate Withdrawal
2/5/24Lindsay StanleyNAOMissed Refereeing Responsibilites
2/5/24Gabbi GarrNAOMissed Refereeing Responsibilites
1/7/2023Sanjay JeevaOXNC OpenLack of effort in pro-am
12/3/2023Mohsin KhanSquash House ChallengerMissed Refereeing Responsibilites
11/30/2023Kyle MartinoBig Apple OpenFailure to meet ProAm responsibilities
4/15/2022Jordan BrailLA MixedPro-Am/Communication
5/1/2022Chris WalkerKellner CupInapropiate behavior on court
2/14/2020Andres VargasDavid C. Johnson Jr.Inappropriate communication with tournament promoter
2/11/2020Willie GaynorHashim KhanLate Withdrawal
1/27/2020Simba MuhwatiDavid C. Johnson Jr.Late Withdrawal
1/21/2020Matt DomenickNAOLate Withdrawal
1/15/2020Deerav MoolaniPittsburghLate Withdrawal (Medical Note Pending)
1/11/2020Thomas BrinkmanMFS Boston Pro-AmSlept through pro-am match
1/11/2020Tom De MulderPittsburgh/NAOLate Withdrawal
12/12/2019Zac AlexanderBriggs CupBest efforts during Pro-Am
12/8/2019Elroy LeongBriggs CupPro-Am Absence
12/3/2019Reed EndresenBriggs CupLate Withdrawal
11/18/2019Robby BernerBriggs CupLate Withdrawal
11/18/2019Jesse LaneSleepy HollowLate Withdrawal
11/18/2019Clark DoyleSleepy HollowLate Withdrawal
11/18/2019Gabriel BassilSleepy HollowLate Withdrawal
10/21/2019Bernardo SamperBig Apple OpenLate Withdrawal (Medical Note Pending)
10/16/2019Eric BedellBig Apple OpenLate Withdrawal
9/19/2019Taylor TutroneMaryland Club OpenLate Withdrawal
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